Roshi Productions

Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year's Eve: Reflecting and Revisiting

The new year approaches quickly and with it comes sentimental and philosophical reflections about the past, hopes for the future, lamentations, goals, wishes. It the time when everyone looks back on what they have or have not done and thinks.

To pseudo follow the trend, I wanted to revisit a theme that I had posted about earlier this year: graffiti vs. aerosol art. While traveling recently with my partner Danny, we happened to stumble upon two spectacular works of what would technically be called aerosol art.

The two works we found were on perpendicular walls. The content of the two works were different (faces vs. cars), but the colors and forms seemed to borrow from each other.

The works weren't found in an arts district or any specified place. We just happened to stumble upon them.

We also created a video in front of the car mural: 

I suppose things that have caught our eyes or attentions before always have the ability to catch them again. Right now, I'm in the process of sorting through photographs from our XC road trip this summer in preparation for our next project. It's interesting how things that surprised and delighted us during that voyage continue to do so now. As artists, we're reflecting on 2012 in our own way, visually. 

Happy New Year! See you in 2013!